Write ups
Here are few documents which would help you to understand what Prof. Goswami has to say about the concept of Auto-functional Green Movement. Its essentiality and factors which might resist it or give it a buoyant force.
Healing the Soul, Soothing the Soil
Indicative proposal for realization of capital value of goodness
Civilization has historically been driven by two types of relation – human relation and business relation. The former invokes feminine qualities, starts from family, extends to society and aspires to embrace the universe. The latter invokes masculine qualities, connects the self with the city and transcends to the state and the global market. Human relations tend to defy the self and even the state, while business relations tend to dismiss the family and the society. Human relations are driven by anxious fondness and expressed as contentment and thankfulness; business relations are driven by fear and greed and expressed as dissatisfaction and doubt. The former seeks the immortal while the latter seeks to stave off extinction. Yet the former has perpetuated the flow of civilization all along, while ironically the latter is now threatening to bring it to end.
Letter to the The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India regarding A New Proposal for MGNREGA
Hon'ble Sir,
I would like to invite your august attention to the proposal I have made in my article attached to this email. : "MGNREGA : A New Proposal ".
Here I have tried to consolidate my long- cherished thoughts on building a new kind of social movement, by which three major crises (crisis in environment, employment and agriculture) can be alleviated to a large extent at one go ( self-employment) through a SOCIOCRATIC movement.
Here I have suggested that if the National Service Scheme (the biggest youth organisation of the world) and the MGNREGS (the biggest employment generation scheme of the world) can be coordinated and resonated well, there can emerge the biggest Self-employment Scheme (100 days work can be converted to round the year Self-employment with the same amount of money) and the biggest Share-holding System (as depicted in the article, by which everyone of a grassroot community can get something).
I did get local concurrence from both the departments of West Bengal - - - Higher Education and Rural Development . Here in West Bengal this SOCIOCRATIC movement is in initiation phase.
In this incongruous context with all humility, I would request you to think whether you may kindly make necessary arrangements to restart this movement as pilot projects in one square kilometer in every district of our country, which eventually can lead to Swami Vivekananda Awakening of Rural India Scheme.
Jyotirmoy Goswami
Self Employment towards Social, Economic and Ecological Harmony.
​The world is passing through an unprecedented environmental problem coupled with the problem of inequality. 80% of the world’s wealth has been accumulated in the hands of few individuals. Severe inequality has posed a major threat to the civilization not because the force behind it is brutal in its method of functioning, but because of the aggressive spirit of the business ethics. One has to look forward to explore the possibility of the ethics and adventures of the other society, which is, according to Rabindranath Tagore, the atmiya samaj or the fraternal society. It is true, we shall never get back to the society of the bygone days. But we can make use of some of its potentials. The bane which we are confronted with is an outcome of the power and spirit of the business society. To make use of the relevant and selective power and spirit of the other society is indispensable.
Towards a Green Society
Bottom up and touching the sky.
"The idea, in a nutshell, is that the whole society would participate in an intensive greening effort from which everyone would be benefited directly. The fact is that even today there is plenty of unutilized land here and there where one can grow fruit trees, vegetables and other plants of economic value. These trees would be owned individually. Every person – even the landless – would own ..."
Read what Prof. Goswami is planning, to revolutionize agriculture and agarian societies.
What Globalization needs Today
Taking another look at face to face community
It is needless to say that it would not be sensible on the part of the most efficient section of the world---the entrepreneurs, the architects of globalisation---to assume that it attracts unmixed responses from all corners. In most cases, it ensures only 1% new employment. It denies 99% job securities. Consequently world-wide resentments and, sometimes, grave agitations are being seen at present. These may, in the long run, result in revolts and defeat that progress what globalisation wants to accomplish.
Green India Project
Three Crisis, one solution
Make family farming sustainable by harnessing human and natural capital
Human capital mobilised through an intermediary body chosen through consensus, which would organise vital services to cover shortcomings of individual efforts
Natural capital in the form of individually owned and collectively looked after wealth such as fruit trees, cattle and fish
Make village life viable without injecting subsidy
Himalayan Santiniketan
For a sustainable civilization
A new center of education, which will be associated with the name of no less a person than RABINDRANATH TAGORE, can fill the vacuum and foster the revolution in line with his unique institution he himself had established at Santiniketan and Sriniketan in West Bengal, India. The new institution or university must have so many works to do, so many areas to cover. But its main purpose would be to evolve a symbiotic relationship with nature and people around that can function organically.